Thursday, October 27, 2022

What is luck?

Wanna be lucky? Be prepared! Luck is to be prepared when the opportunity comes to visit us! But maybe you are now asking yourself if it could really be like I said. So I will let you a simple example.

Imagine that you have eggs. And you have salt, a stove, a pan, a spatula, a plate and butter (could be oil too). For sure you have gas and light, so, you have all tools and ingredients to do a delicious egg. It is meal time, and you are hungry. But, what if, you are not prepared, and you do not know how to do the eggs, even thought you have all that is need to do? You really do not have everything, because of lack of knowledge. Luck is gone!

You could say that it is not absent of luck, because it is a common example, that maybe you do everyday without even thinking anymore, but it is. In this example, you could have the luck to get a good meal, but you would have missed the opportunity, for not being prepared.

And to exemplify with something different, related to business and work, this week I finished a Cybersecurity course, and received an opportunity to get another course, this time to became an instructor, and for free! Luck smiled to me. Guess what: when looking in the pre-requisites, I needed to have another training done! The opportunity was there: a free tech course, that would open ports in a near future! Was I prepared? No. So the luck is gone!

But let me share with you a change in mindset, that is mandatory if you want to be successful. Years ago, and this probably happened countless times, I lost opportunities like this one and just sat down and "cry". I froze and didn´t do anything and probably more countless lucky moments went away.

This time was different, because I finally understood that my luck is up to me. I shared with a friend and he said: "don't worry, because we always receive this opportunities". What am I doing so? I already started that missing training and will put my efforts on finishing it!

The next time this luck knocks my door I will be prepared! It will be the sum of the opportunity with me being prepared, and "let there be light"!

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