Sunday, September 11, 2022

The best way to achieve success

I used to believe that everyone should do something for me. Sometimes in my life I really believed that the world was against me, and I could not understand why I did not had what I want. I cannot blame my parents, or even the world or other people, because I had so many opportunities.

But it is not about the opportunities that you get, but much more about how you get prepared for them and, so, how you benefit from it. It took me so many years to understand, and to accept, that nothing happens if we do not prepare for the success. But how to we do that?

We live in a time of fanciful appearance, where every other one, specially on social media, seems to be great, pretty and rich, without so much effort. If we to not take care of ourselves, it is even possible to get a depression, if we start to compare our normal life with all the succeed media actors.

But the reality is a little different from that. If, even for curiosity, you search on the Internet for some people who succeed, and we could mention, just to exemplify and for you to get something to start on your search, Arnold, Jordan and Senna,  you will see there the dream of being the best, without hard work, is just a dream.

And now we start to really get on the best way! Hard work is not just hard work. It is more related to doing what need to be done, at least, everyday. My motivation for writing this text is my son, where I am seeing the same struggle that I had to accept our responsibility in life. You do not need to became a superman to get things done in a awesome way. For sure, like Arnold said once, if you want to achieve things that others don´t, you will need to do things they don't.

After understanding how things work, I now have a certainty that, the sooner you start doing, day after day, the things you should do, the lesser will be the extra that you need to do, to get the same results. I am not saying that you do not need to do the extra, because it is really necessary, if you want more, but if you accept the reality, and start to work today, instead of tomorrow, tomorrow you will not need to do what you would have done today.

As I registered on latest writings, I came back on studying IT. This week I am really fascinated with all the things I learnt, and, just in one week of good work, how we can get apart of the herd. Imagine if I had done this, twenty years ago? Now, as I said about today and tomorrow, I have to compensate what was not done yesterday, with a important restriction, that my day will not be larger.

The best way to achieve success is to start, and do what you have to do. Start now, not in a feel days. Do it, and do the extra. And for the ones that maybe thought that it is impossible if you lost some years in your journey, I would say that it will be harder, but it is still possible. Work on it, and don't let anyone discourage you, even yourself.

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The road to success

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