Thursday, September 22, 2022

Yellow September - Pursue your balance

This text is my little contribution to help you find your balance in life, be it material, mental or whatever you may be needing right now. It will not be for sure something complete, or without flaws, but I share here some thoughts I took my whole life to learn, and in spite of being so simple, helped me, and are still helping, to keep up.

First, probably the hard part: the truth.

I do not know anyone, even myself, that have achieved something without hard times. Yesterday I was talking to my little son, and I wish to share with you some part of our talking.

As I said him, unfortunately, the reality is that things will not always be as a dream. Most of the time, people will come to us with the hope to get something, be it love, comprehension, knowledge, money, and so on.

Like some friend said to me years ago, when I was on a hard time, people will not go to you when you are down. And, understand this: it is not because you or them are not good enough. The human being is always in need for something, and it goes where he believe he will get it.

More than that, we know more how to ask for, than how to give from ourselves to the ones that really need it.

Now, the good part: also the truth.

You are not alone, be it on struggle, be it on happiness: permit yourself to share. It is normal do feel lost, to have pain, to feed sad sometimes, but also to be in the need for help. And what you should do, if you need help? Ask for it!

Just look around, and I am sure you will find someone to open with, even if it come to be a professional, because sometimes it will be necessary.

But what the pursue of balance has to do with all that? This is my everyday advice to my children. It took all my life to understand that I do not have to be perfect, and that not everyone will agree with me, or have the same wishes that I have. Take it easy and breath.

Sometimes we do not even need to know or do something, but we go beyond our limits to do some things that are not always really important for ourselves; we just need to show the world that we can.

For pursuing your balance, you have to respect your on limits. Even to push harder, you cannot give a step bigger than the one you are prepared to. The burnout we are seeing in so many people nowadays come from not respecting themselves.

So, you wanna feel better? My advice is to put yourself on first place. Doing so, you will find the path to take care of your body, your mental health, your soul. We are a whole universe made of so many things that must align together.

Will this work? Will the pain go away like magic? I can say, for sure, that things will be lighter. Get a personal project, start your day praying and exercising gratitude! Start your day with a good bath, a pleasant breakfast; show yourself that YOU matter.

The balance is not only on material things, although they are part of the packet. You have to feel that you are important, and enjoy the little things.

Like I said before, it will probably not be easy, but it is possible! Let us focus on our best friend, the most important person, that hottest one, that one, that only one, that can make us happy, and that one is just ourselves.

I hope you find your balance and your self love! I do not regret from getting this knowledge and from pursuing it day after day, because it is hard and it is a daily work, but it got me the peace I was looking for.

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